You must submit a locate request through Utility Safety Partners (Alberta One-Call) and have ALL listed utilities marked or cleared before you start with any project that involves ground disturbance.
SANG uses contract locators as well as our staff who are highly trained in the use of locating equipment and ground disturbance "best practices."
Please allow at least two full working days before you plan to excavate for the locators to come out and mark lines. During the spring and fall, please schedule your projects well in advance to avoid waiting on locates.
To submit a locate request, you may call 1-800-242-3447 or click here.
Gas lines installed from the meter to other buildings will NOT be located by Utility Safety Partners. The utility companies do not own these lines and therefore, have no information on the location. You will need to contact a private line locating service to have these located. Utility Safety Partners has two contact locations Edmonton and Calgary.
Please call the office immediately if you have made contact with a gas line at 780-967-2246 or 1-800-290-5491 - 24/7.
The consequences of hitting and/or severing a line range from a massive bill and temporary loss of service, to injuries and even fatalities. The financial and/or legal burden of repairing the gas line is carried by the excavator.